My Writeup for DEATHNOTE Box from VulnHub
احييكم بتحية الإسلام السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
Hi folks. Hossam Hamdy aka 0xGhazy is here, Today I’ll explain how I PWN DeathNote machine from VulnHub
[#] About the machine
Name: Deathnote: 1 Date release: 4 Sep 2021 Author: HWKDS Series: Deathnote Filename: Deathnote.ova File size: 658 MB MD5: D5F6A19BBEA617D7C7C46E21C518F698 SHA1: BDAAB12DE17BB6696ECA324A0BB4027B62D44A49
[#] Machine enumeration
After starting our machine we can type this command to get all live hosts in our network
sudo netdiscover -r
Deathnote IP address is:
1- Nmap enumeration
by running this command
nmap -sC-sV
we found that we have SSH on port 22, and web server at port 80 but there was a redirection so we need to append this address to our /etc/hosts file by using this command sudo echo “ deathnote.vuln” » /etc/hosts
2- Site enumeration
By visiting http://deathnote.vuln/wordpress
We have 3 interesting text [Kira
, L
] it seems to be a usernames and the last one is “iamjustic3” seems to be a password like passwords in CTFs :)
From Hint: we need to find file called notes.txt
3- Gobuster enumeration
I used this command to enum the web server gobuster dir -u http://deathnote.vuln/wordpress -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
I found this admin directory wp-admin and it contains a login page.
by visiting the rest two directories didn’t find something useful. so i go to read robots.txt file
by looking at robots.txt
file we get this message :)
fuck it my dad
added hint on /important.jpg
ryuk please delete it
seems we have a new potential username here: ryuk
by cURLing the /important.jpg file we get this important information
now we can log in to the WordPress CP. I try with “user.txt” and “iamjustic3” it files every time. i released that page title login Kira so i use kira as an username and it success this time :)
Pingo we are in 🎉😎
by viewing posts, and pages we found nothing useful but in media, I found notes.txt
file and read it, it seems to be a word list for something. since we have a user and password for WordPress, I think it will be an SSH credential.
[#] Password Cracking
we have potential users such as Kira
and L
so we need to attempt to get a valid password for a valid username. I want to write my own Python script but thinking about “why do I want to invent the wheel?”. But found that there was well-known existing tool by searching about “SSH password cracking” and i found this useful article
I used this command hydra -l l -P wordlist.txt ssh:// After using this command I find that only l have a valid password
[#] Gaining access
lets try to connect with SSH using this command ssh l@ We get a connection but can’t find any sudo command can i run to escalate.
So I try to find a new way. after a while, I find a notification in the plugin module. after some searching, I find that the “Hello Dolly” plugin has an exploit. searching for the shell I find that I can edit the plugin PHP code == reversed shell :).
Getting PHP reversed shell from pentester monkey, And updating plugin source code.
Now let’s go and access the plugin from this link: http://deathnote.vuln/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/hello.php
Let’s setup our listener using NetCat using this command
nc -nlvp 4444
After getting connection successfully, We can enhance our shell using python3 -c ‘import pty;pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’
After that, i stuck for a while, didn’t know where I go after that. So I try to find a hint.txt or user.txt or flag.txt using this command find / -type f -name hint/user/flag
I have the permission to visit /opt/L the directory, So let’s see what is there.
I have the permission to visit /opt/L the directory, So let’s see what is there.
Now I need to navigate to /fake-notebook-rule and view what is there!
Let’s go to Cyberchef
and know what this Hex text means.
Password is: kiraisevil
, Now I can log in with Kira account username and see what sudo permissions she has.
Now we have root access on the Deathnote machine and that’s what we want 😃.
What i have learned?
- “Hello, Dolly” is a vulnerable WordPress plugin.
- Using Hydra for cracking SSH login.
- The person who reviewed this article before publishing it is the cutest person ever 😀❤.