Posts by Category
Builder Design Pattern
Using Builder design pattern to build a response object for ResponseEntity
Web token based authentication with JWT
What is JWT and how to use it to authenticate your API/Service users. . .
Creating Simple REST APIv3 Using Python Flask, SQLite3, and Postman
Implementing CRUD API using python flask and SQLite3.
Singleton Design Pattern
Singleton Design Pattern in a nutshell....
Git And GitHub kickstart
a quick start guide to start using Git and Github the most famous version control system....
Paper | HackTheBox |
My Writeup for Paper box from HackTheBox
Late | HackTheBox |
My Writeup for Late box from HackTheBox
DEATHNOTE Box | VulnHub |
My Writeup for DEATHNOTE Box from VulnHub
Vulnversity | TryHackMe |
My Writeup for Vulnversity machine from TryHackMe
Clean Code Summary
Clean Code book summary
MySQL Cheat sheet
My notes during study Complete SQL Mastery course
O’Reilly REST API Design Rulebook Notes
A summary of lessons learned from the O'Reilly REST API Design Rulebook and some Spring Boot implementations
Head First Object-Oriented Analysis & Design Summary
Head First Object-Oriented Analysis & Design book summary